4073 Gresham St. San Diego, CA 92109


Located in the ‘Crown Point’ neighborhood of Pacific Beach, within 1 block to Sail Bay, and about 7 blocks to the beach (biking/jogging distance), this property features five tandem off-street parking spaces, and has a laundry room on-site (owned equipment). This was an off-market transaction.

Agent(s) Involved: Joseph Burrough
Agency/Representation: Seller

Transaction Details

Status: Closed
COE Date: 6/21/2016
Price: $1,700,000
Units: 5
Year Built: 1969
Bldg. Size: 4,528 SF
Lot Size: 5,514 SF
Price/Unit: $340,000
Price/SF of RBA: $375
Price/SF of GLA: $308